January 23, 2025

Here is How You Can Thrive in Climbing

In order to thrive as a climber, you need to find a mentor. But finding one may not be easy. The more people climb, the ratio of beginner climbers to pro climbers grow. This article enlists the way on how to thrive in climbing like a pro.

Self learning

When you are a newbie learning to tie basic knots or a pro climber seeking ways to improve your technique or to expand your climbing strength, there is a plenty of materials available in books and online videos. For the how to tips, training and expert tips, you can refer to the following:

  1. REI Expert Advice: Rock Climbing
  2. Mountaineering: Freedom Of The Hills Rock Climbing: Mastering Basic Skills, by Topher Donahue and Craig Luebben
  3. Training For The New Alpinism: A Manual for the Climber as Athlete, by Steve House and Scott Johnston
  4. Advanced Rock Climbing: Expert Skills and Techniques, by Topher Donahue
  5. American Mountain Guides Association Tech Videos
  6. 1001 Climbing Tips, by Andy Kirkpatrick

Hire a guide

Another technique to learn the essentials and expanding your climbing experience is to hire a guide. Even if you are watching the online videos or reading the books, getting some external guidance from an expert can help you fix your mistakes. It may add more to your cost, but the consequences may make you pay as well. The latter may not be the case when you hire a good guide. No matter if you have specific climbing goals or just want to increase the experience level and build confidence, a guide can help you in each step along the way. They can also become a future resource. When you hire a guide, they become you mentor automatically. However, a guide can only enlighten you as much as you are open to leaning, to pay attention and taking it all in. In order to make the most your time with the hired expert, you need to keep an eye on what they do and always, always ask questions.

Take a course or clinic

Going with the latter has two benefits, you learn new skills and you connect with other climbers as well. The mentors who guide you can also be hired. There are many regional organizations like Colorado Mountain Club, The Mountaineers, the Appalachian Mountain Club, and the Mazamas. Your local climbing gym like escalade Montréal also offers many courses. When learning and thriving as a climber, you get what you invest in.